
Dalworth Carpet Cleaning - Wood Floor Finishing and Cleaning

Dalworth Carpet Cleaning does more than the name says.. Dalworth also cleans and refinishes wood floors.

Wood floors are very popular in today's modern homes and a fixture in older homes in Dallas and Fort Worth. However, normal cleaning of wood floors with broom and mop does not remove all the dirt and wear found in a busy home.

Dalworth Carpet Cleaning has wood floor cleaning services which include application of wood floor cleaner, clean and polish, and hand cleaning of base boards and edges.

Dalworth can also refinish wood floors with significant wear. This service includes application of polyurethane and repeat applications after curing and cleaning of baseboards and edges.

As always, with all Dalworth Carpet Cleaning services, all furniture and rugs are moved and put back in place when the work is completed. All dust is vacuumed both before and after the work is completed.

Renew the look and feel of the wood floors in your home by giving Dalworth Carpet Cleaning a call and setting up an appointment today.


Dalworth Carpet Cleaning - Upholstery Cleaning

With the holidays behind us, the guests from Christmas or New Years may have left something behind! Such as food or wine stains on sofas or armchairs.

Don't write off your favorite couch or wingback! Call Dalworth Carpet Cleaning today for their Upholstery Cleaning services.

We all know Dalworth Carpet Cleanings reknown service for carpet cleaning, but Dalworth also cleans sofas, armchairs and other furnishings as well. And they can clean most anything in your home. Furniture does not have to be taken out of the house for cleaning.

Dalworth's trained and professional technicians will clean and deodorize your home's upholstery using their patented methods.

We recently had our new couch cleaned and it actually smells and feels clean - like brand new. Not only can stains be removed, but pet hair, dust and allergens which collect on upholstery can be cleaned by Dalworth Carpet Cleaning.

There is no better feeling then clean upholstery on your furniture. And don't worry, Dalworth can also clean antique furniture as well.

"Its the next best thing to clean!" Call Dalworth Carpet Cleaning today!

Dalworth Carpet Cleaning

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